Dont Flag Me Bro

I hate to break it to you, but "The Visit" was a decent film and worthy of the B that IV gave it.

A practicing attorney in the Philly area told me a fun story not too long ago: apparently, the Phanatic has unintentionally maimed multiple fans with his physical hijinks in the stands over the years, and some of them have sued the man behind the mask for damages. However, as long as he would show up in court dressed

Well, this feature is all about hating something, so I thought I'd remain thematically consistent and bring my irrational hate to the party.

See, when you use a word like "appropriation" in this context, it shows that you're culturally sensitive and much more morally enlightened and progressive and wonderful and…

Posehn himself looks like a stinky Juggalo. I heard a bit from him a while back in which he complained about his wife (and I think it was even dealing with how she didn't love Star Wars as much as him), and it irritated me to an irrational degree. I just wanted to yell, "have you looked at yourself in the mirror, you

What I've always found even more ridiculous is the seemingly neverending list of celebrities, arguably the individuals with the world's largest carbon footprint (mansions, private jets, fleets of gas-guzzling cars for their entourages, etc.), lining up to lecture us plebes about the perils of global warming.

You can also achieve a diametrically opposed result by listening to this remix/reimagining, not coincidentally linked to the film franchise's worst entry: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Part of the problem: she's been cranking out these specials too quickly. In each one, she doesn't have enough solid material to fill an hour. They both contain about 10 minutes of A-level material interspersed among 50 minutes of C-level filler.

You've basically got it, except for the fact that the other far more likely suspect isn't just a suspect; he was convicted of the murder in a separate trial. But given the general ineptitude of the Italian prosecution, I'm not sure how much weight that should hold.

That imagined dialogue sounds like a bad English translation of a scene from a Jess Franco film.

I knew Xanderpuss was really just Craig James.

I see what you're saying now. Your initial post only referenced "Sniper," which made it sound like you were only judging him based on that film. And while I disagree about that film's quality — I'd call it a middle-tier Eastwood film, not great but not terrible — his work lately has been on the negative side of the

Why should we engage with people who hold opinions that aren't perfectly aligned with our own? It's so much easier to posture and throw stones!

Just so we're clear—you're openly admitting to judging a filmmaker with decades of experience and dozens of films under his belt by only one of his directorial efforts. Are you sure you want to stand by this logic?

I get so sick of comments like this: trolling for upvotes by staking out some completely undefined ground of moral superiority exclusively through name calling and insults. "Look at me, everyone! I called someone else awful and put down his work! How great am I? You can be, too, if you upvote my post!"

NBC did air an updated retelling of David and Saul called "Kings." It was great. Too bad no one watched it.

For every overgeneralizing statement like mine, there is a bright, glaring exception, and in case, you are 100% correct. Even as I was writing what I said, in the back of my head, I was thinking, "but what about Yahoo?"

I'd still rather read YouTube comments over Gawker. At least on YouTube, depending on the video, you might stumble upon some genuinely funny stuff. On Gawker, it's just the same old tripe, every single time.

I would put literally any other site on the entire Internet against their comments section. The Gawker comments section is basically just a bunch of people saying "fuck everyone who doesn't do exactly what we want and say exactly what we want them to say." There is nothing witty or even interesting about it. It