Dont Flag Me Bro

"Hi, we're Rob Lowe and Marcia Gay Harden, and we have DirecTV."

I'd rather take my chances with cwtv.com. Hulu is, without a doubt, the worst major streaming service available. (Warning: rant incoming.)

The main observation in their new single is "life is too short to last long," which is an insight on par with "the sky is blue and not green."

Did you see "Changeling"? Great movie. He wrote it.

Amy Miller = Lloyd Christmas, if he grew out the sides of his bowl cut.

Great use of "perspicacious" — one of my favorite words.

I might see it just for the bar fight with Martin Sheen.

It's how he got his scars.

They are also "a heroes."

Ten years from now, I won't be surprised when the news breaks that the police have found dozens of bodies buried under Fred Armisen's house.

Let me rephrase what you've just said, taking into account something you've clearly never thought about, as you're obviously not married:

For a while, I wondered why Ridley Scott was suddenly churning out so many projects as a director and producer. Then I realized he's turning 79 this year. Nothing will stir a man to action quite like coming within spitting distance of his own mortality.

"Conviction" looks like someone saw only the show-within-a-show portions of "The Grinder" and said, "let's make that—but with a lady!"

I just hope that while he's lying unconscious in a hospital bed, a sensible nurse takes one look at his face and shaves off that creeper 'stache.

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I mentioned "Ho Tactics" in a comment ten days ago, making this an oddly personal Newswire story for me.

If you can find it, grab the Australian import blu-ray. It's region free, and it looks great. Not much in the way of special features, but it's a significant upgrade from the current US DVD.

You just said a mouthful.

Same here. I generally enjoyed the show, but the endless fan slobbering for revivals (often egged on by click-bait sites) eventually drove me into trying to forget it ever existed.

It's especially weird because immediately after his proclaims his undying love for Lynch, he follows that up by dumping all over no less than five of his films — which is half of his entire directorial input (in feature-length films).

No "Happy Days"? Man, you're cold.