Dont Flag Me Bro

In typical mohdian "post first, think later" fashion, he has once again
not even bothered to read the article before spouting another ignorant

"Hey, uh, what kind of article is this? I’m trying to think how much I should tell you here."

Sometimes I think it would be better to be a B actor than an A-lister. You don't make as much money, but your experiences are probably more interesting due to working with a wider variety of people, and since you're not that famous, you wouldn't have to put up with the paparazzi and all that other nonsense.

"I was the one that burned the house down with the lesbians in it.
That’s what I’m known for. I don’t know what else I can say about that

I see you attended the Jaden Smith school of capitalization.

Don't tell Mohd that.

There really isn't much to speculate upon, and there aren't "a lot of stories" floating around about it, either. He and the other showrunners had the fourth season mapped out at the beginning of the year, and when she got pregnant, he had to scrap a huge chunk of what he'd planned to do to write her pregnancy into the

No grudge holding, just pointing out the hypocrisy. He fired Charisma Carpenter because she got pregnant during Angel's fourth season.

Hey Joss, you know what else is patently sexist? Firing a woman because she decided to have a kid without getting your permission first.

My cynicism about this project is directed at Lynch, not Showtime. I just have a hard time believing Showtime would pick this up and then not adequately fund it. I'm reading this more as Lynch saying, "Showtime wouldn't give me enough money."

"Leave it up to me to comment on something I haven’t seen!"

"Boy Meets World" was my favorite show when I was growing up, and his character had a lot to do with it. It probably sounds corny to those who didn't experience it as kids, but I learned a lot from his character. (Yeah, I said it.)

The transfer is top notch, and so are the special features. The film itself is remarkable, too. I disagree with the writer, who claims Montgomery's performance is weak; it starts off well and only get stronger as the film progresses.

Question not asked, but implied: "How do feel about the C+?"

FYI to those interested - this title is not, as the write-up claims, out of print on DVD. The Warner Archive re-released it as part of its MOD collection: http://www.amazon.com/Teach…

Wow, what a bold stance you've taken. I applaud your courage in the face of such a difficult judgment.

I'm wondering if this remake will keep the original ending, which was, to put it mildly, a pitch-black level of dark.

I see that the C+ is on loan from A.A. Dowd.

When I think of worthwhile commenters on this site,

Zero upvotes. Take a hint, guy.