Dont Flag Me Bro


What is this show? I've heard nothing of it until now.

I see you attended the Jaden Smith School of Capitalization.

Because it's not.

Is this supposed to be funny?

It appears that Marah interviewed mid-90s Paul Scheer.

It's not even being released in theaters and is going straight to blu-ray/DVD, which makes it even more depressing.

"It just seems like […] all your bits are about essentially the same topic."

Have you seen Tarkovsky’s Solaris? Because that movie is definitely interminable.

So would a liberal vs. conservative civil war. One group owns all the guns, and the other group would quickly discover that deadly physical force severely outmatches the ability to write snarky comments on Gawker articles.

Same here re: Damages.

It's been many years since I read the book, but I don't remember a lot of the films' content in it. Are my memories accurate?

All of the G.R.O.S.S. (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS) storylines are aces.

You must be crestfallen that you couldn't get some vague, unrelated comment up here first. How many hours of the day would you estimate you spend sitting at your computer, repeatedly refreshing the AV Club website, shaking uncontrollably whenever a new Newswire article pops up, hurriedly copying and pasting your

I wish that the editors of this site would develop a new obsession with a different comedian. Maybe this time, they could find someone who's actually funny.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a sequel.

How could this list not include the best hockey, and one of the best sports, games of all time — NHL '94? It's been twenty years, and the game has its own website (nhl94.com) and a league of players who are still crafting tournaments to play in it.

For a while, it was streaming in 1080p HD on Netflix, but that seems to have disappeared. This is one of those films that I wish would get a blu-ray upgrade.

It's an A.A. Dowd C+. Do with that what you will.