
The weather warms up…
…and I am all about listening to Weezer's Blue Album and Matthew Sweet's "Girlfriend." They take me right back to the days of driving my Chevy Celebrity around with the windows down and my Discman plugged into my tape deck, the air smelling of humidity and secondhand smoke from my best friend's

Defending my family's honor
I hail from a long line of proud (or resigned) Southerners, and none of us have ever consumed pork brains, though my dad apparently ate squirrel brains on a regular basis as a child in Tennessee. I gagged and he responded by shrugging and saying "Well, we were poor."

Scarlett Johansson
I swear to God, if I see her pouting all pillow-lipped at me in one more movie, I may actually be pissed enough to throw my Icee at the screen - and I am not one to just waste a perfectly good cherry Icee. She is, indeed, an incredibly beautiful woman, but she plays essentially the same pneumatic

I'm going to say it.
I love Scrubs. I TiVo the episodes, and I laugh at them. I love the Janitor, Dr. Cox, Turk, and the Todd.

Thanks for setting the record straight, Donna.

Shit, I meant to include Sports Night. It is what first introduced me to Sorkin. I can't help but to love him. I also love the West Wing because it features 3 actors from my hometown. Dayton has to represent.

Hey Tasha
I believe that open letter to Dr. Laura is actually a slightly-altered quote from the first or second season of the West Wing in which Martin Sheen's Jed Bartlet lays down the law on some Dr. Laura-type. Or perhaps Sorkin used the letter for inspiration? Either way, the episode is called "The Midterms."

Hey Yummsh, I used to be $240 worth of pudding, but the website wouldn't let me register it as a name. It was with great sadness that I became oh_hey_renee. Needless to say, I am beyond excited for the State DVDs and I can only hope and pray that Daria soon follows.

Is it weird that I was slightly turned on by Dave and Josh's romantic moment?

Shit, I am late for this
I agree that rap and country have more in common than many would admit, and I think it is very evident in the work of female artists. There are certain themes that are prevalent in both genres - fidelity to one's partner, the demand for respect and admiration, and often a general "fuck you,

All I know is
I want to party with that panda.

I would probably stop Jay McCarrol and tell him how much I love him if I passed him on the street. I'd be sure to let him know that it's OK if he has to go poop, though. That sort of honesty is refreshing.

Wow, I've never had a double post. Is it my birthday?

Oh my.
I am both repulsed and entertained. That's what you were going for, right? Spot on.

Oh my.
I am both repulsed and entertained. That's what you were going for, right? Spot on.

Am I alone in having a crush on Duff? He and I should get married and make short, sarcastic babies.

@Jim - I can't believe I forgot "Don't Let Me Down." That song is one of my favorites. Dang.

I will love and stand by Beth Ditto until the bitter end. I love her voice and her attitude.

In which I showcase my decidedly unrefined taste in music
If I Fell - the Beatles
Don't Get Me Wrong - the Pretenders
All I Want Is You - U2
The Way Young Lovers Do - Van Morrison
Mandolin Wind - Rod Stewart (it is a weird choice, I know, but I think it is beautiful in a realistic "I'm going to love you even after all the

AJR, are you channeling ZMF?