
Letterman Guests
Harmony Korine is my personal favorite Letterman guest ever. Who is yous guys?

Are you saying the only reason I think Pineapple Express looks good is peer pressure? I just thought it looked funny. I just think this whole backlash against anything Apatow is hollow and undeserved. I like things that make me laugh. I liked Freaks and Geeks, 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, and Superbad. All

Woah, the gertrude stein thing just blew my mind because not less than 1 minute before I read that comment I also read the same reference in "with the old breed" by EB Sledge. Fucking trippy.

I like pot and pot comedies
It seems like 4 people here think this sucks (including Amelie) and the rest give it the thumbs up. I vote thumbs up.

I know being a spelling nazi is lame, and I fuck up on the reg, but boy do I hat it when people spell realize "realise." Also, I have a friend who always, FUCKING ALWAYS, spells bored, "bord." I want to cut off her fingers so she can never type again. Nothing personal CRM, but shape up or ship out.

Watership down? Chicks love that nautical shit.

I'm Wide Awake is fucking fantastic, Cassadaga also really grew on me. Now if he would just cut the shit and quit making me start all his records at song 2, I'd be happy.

You know, I thought I would hate it, but I kinda liked it.

Really? Again?
Does everything in life have to be compared to some middling Bravo reality show? Knock it off, or at least just change the channel. Food Network totally kicks ass… it is just a suggestion.

I understand the hate
I really do, but it is also the exact reason I love Oasis (that and I think they are a pretty good Rock n Roll band). Noel doesn't fucking care, and normally his drug-infused rants are fucking hilarious. Case in point, Noel regarding the White Stripes (whom I love): "Jack White looks like

Oh yeah

Every time I think of Second Coming, the scene from Shaun of the Dead pops into mind. "Stone Roses? -Keep It. Second Coming? -I like it."

I'll have to go with Tripping Through a Hole in a Paper Heart" (or whatever its called, song fucking 7 on Tiny Music). Dean DeLeo's solo still gets me all pumped up. Everything after No. 4 is garbage though.

My two cents.
Sean is right on about this episode. It is a solid C. A few good gags (the An American Tale reference, some of Cartman's Edward James Olmos impression) but overall it was pretty weak.

Na uh.

Ya Gotta Die for your Goverment?
That's shit.


Tell me more about this "Fight Club." Is it some obsure indie flick from the late 80's?

Well, thanks Kevinky, I'll look into that. Either way, I love me some Jack White git-fiddle. I don't want to copy his sound either, but I'm not in a band or anything, so its just fun to fuck around with. Thanks again.

That was fucking creepy. Three years and probably like 2 grand? I'll be honest, I just don't get it, and I'm super high right now.