
Yeah, it was late and I didn't feel like looking it up, fucking sue me. …so hostile on these boards sometimes.

Couple more
The Alaska parts of Into the Wild are shot beautifully, and even if it isn't technically a movie, the Bastone episode of Band of Brothers. I know there is no way in hell to really have a clue how cold it was to those troops, but it sure as fuck made me respect that generation a whole hell of a lot.

L. Ron Hubbard was a pedophile. Just another reason to seriously doubt the sanity of Scientologists just a lil' bit more than any other organized religion.

The whole conversation about what is and isn't metal made my weekend.


Holy shit, someone else likes (or acknowledges the existence of) Psychostick! Huzzah! I Say, Huzzah!

Hmm, does he hate god as much as I don't believe in broccoli?

Is this the dude
Who hates God?

Yes, but can't we all agree
That Weezy don't give a mothafuck, he'll kidnap you baby and get your baby mother fuck. The man has more game than EA. All kidding aside, I love me some Weezy. Although I agree the album is inconsistent, this will be a hip-hop classic. Almost more than any album released in this decade


You're really confusing me as to if I'm gonna fork over my 8 dollars (living in the middle of nowhere has some perks) or not. The trailer was horrible, the Smigel interview had me rethink everything, then the review is awful, but then you come out and say its enjoyable in many ways in the comments. WTF, Rabin,

Late to the party
I may be down here pretty low in the comments but as for anyone talking shit on Refused, you suck. You just suck suck suck. Shape of Punk to Come has not aged poorly (still slays) and they are in fact one of the most influential bands of the 90's. I just get a little flustered when people talk

I loved the trailer.
He's hacked into my mainframe!

Really? I had this pegged as shit, and I'm happy it might not be. I never thought Sandler wasn't a funny guy, if you rewatch Happy Gilmore now its still fucking hilarious (can't say the same about Billy Madison.) I was hoping he'd make me laugh again some day. Yay!

Only Malkin I care about
is named Evgeni.

Enough about Josh!
I wanna know your Icee preferences Kyle. Or just some of the other flavors. God, I love Icees (i don't know how to pluralize that). Would it be like moose or deer, on account of the double vowel? I digress… Icee for everyone.

Is she still on Miss Rap Supreme, or did she get booted?

I love The Unicorns
But I gotta go with Islands as far as my favorite of the two. I loved loved loved Return to the Sea enough that this is one of the few albums lately that I've waited to hear. Can't wait to get it tomorrow.

Thats actually really enjoyable if you read it in Jimi's voice. Bravo, I think you win this one Mr. Hendrix. Even though I do love me some blues.

National Treasure got on the list?
What about Carson's gold in The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Someone dropped the ball. On a side note, how do you guys decide who writes which blurb on these lists? Is it first come, first serve, or do certain writers get the ones they nominated? Just curious is all.