
This is great
I still can't get my head around how Jack White gets that guitar tone, it fucking kills. I've tried lots of things, but nothing ever sounds right. Maybe I just need a better whammy effect or something. I think that would be cheating though kinda.

Oh come on guys, Memento, Bound, the Matrix. Dooder was in some good'uns.

Oh, come to Denver and you'll see. The food is horrible.

there was more to that: i like their name, even if there are too many "fuck" bands around these days.

Never heard 'em


I like your style.

your day must be incredibly lame.

I really enjoy The Descent. Thanks for letting me know that I like that movie more than I should, and that it is not actually good and entertaining. My bad.

he has the (hilarious) bit about why he can't not be jewish. "Is ya motha's vagina jewish? Well, then you're a jew."

Just to clarify
"What does that mean??? Oral sex is now on the high priority for the list of things to do?"

yeah, I read the article, what the fuck is wrong with the world we live in?

What does twop mean? I've never heard that.

For your information, I wasn't crying, there was just an inflammation in my tear glands.

Don't know about you guys
but the two scenes with Michael first leaving Bug and then with Dukie were just absolutely devastating. My eyes got a little sweaty.

How so?

It just means you don't watch MTV. Good for you.

24 is the highest number!

Seriously one the best 5 or 6 bucks you'll ever spend. "Senario number 3: He is hanging by his neck in a fucking closet." It also features trey and matt in the gayest scene this side of dudes belting the star-spangled banner into each others assholes.

Mint Cucumber Sexy Paste
I have absolutely no intention of seeing this, but I will say that it had perhaps the best unintentionally funny/awesome trailer of the past year. It even gave away the twist where the president wasn't actually assassinated because he wasn't really there. fuckin' sweet, doods.