
oh snap!!!

It's Dutch for "home slice".

yeah, but still.

And not one Flaming Lips mention.

So Ken Watanabe either hates money, or doesn't own a cell phone.

what is with these damn riddles

They also made Ninja Turtle pies, vanilla flavored, complete with green goo filling.

what's wrong with being sexy?

Jaxxxson Denno will thank his mom for the sweet porn name in like 17 years though.

Backpfeifengesicht: (German. Of course) A punchable face; a face in need of punching.

Better call Saul.

more like AA Dowdy, amirite

Problems that can be solved by adding more cars:

Problems that can be solved by adding more cars:

Too late to give Harmon his job back?

how yaddle get pragnent


Yo soy the one who knocks

Isn't it past your bedtime?

Minor theory re: the "Andy wants to quit Dunder Mifflin for Hollywood fame" storyline-