
Biggie Smalls
Biggie Smalls
….Biggie Smalls.

Adam Carolla: "From the center of the anus, once around the balls, to JUST beyond the tip."

"It’s fascinating, too, that there’s a Puffy Combs remix of “Ava Adore” on disc four"

The Bart The

They really should make him an official Wu-Tang member.

Well, now I know it truly is the End Times.

fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
Run run run run run run run away

Clearly Tywin is terrible at WarCraft.
We require more minerals!

this X 1000.

…well, that was a shitty, dismissive review.

Yeah, but I think @lordspango:disqus meant ::whistles, makes "ok" sign with one hand, puts index finger through it with the other::

Yeah, well. She poops just like everyone else.


Anyone who's 18 years old now has had access to porn basically their entire lives. They're all kinky now.

Wait - so, you're uprooting yourself professionally, financially, and socially, and moving across the country with your boyfriend, and the problem is words?

How exactly does one castrate a chick?

This would have been a much smarter movie if our protagonists were now the horrible bosses, and we had a new trio of put-upon underlings trying to off them.

It's like The Walking Dead.

Three Horrible Bosses and a Baby