

Probably because I'm not a black guy.

Well, even saying that didn't help - I still got downvoted by some people who, apparently, still see fit to be offended on my people's behalf. They must think I'm some kind of auto-racist or something.

If he doesn't vine said furious fappage, tweet it, and hashtag Sanaa, he's doing it wrong.

Exactly. That's why it's a BLAAAACK movie, and not just a movie.
Altho I shouldn't bitch too loudly; my asian homies have it way worse. When Jackie Chan and Jet Li kick the bucket, their shit is over.

That's basically how it went down. There was also a black hoodie involved.

I think one of the key characteristics of the Annual Black People Movie is a cast full of black actors who don't work all year, so they cram them all into one movie so we don't complain too loudly.

Hah! Good point. I tend to lump them in the same "oh christ, here we go again" bucket, but you're right, I probably shouldn't do that.

I didn't actually meet them. There was a bit of email back and forth, and when he suggested we meet AFK, my questionable judgement turned into slightly better judgement, and I slow-faded.

Yay, it's the Annual Black People Movie So the Darkies Don't Riot.

Being slow-faded is the goddamn worst.

Can I be your email friend too? Just 'cause??

Hear, hear. I'm in a similar boat - tons of projects, only a few of which actual pay bills and buy food and such. The things I really want to move forward though are by nature more collaborative, and so they…don't.

Dr. Bronner's ALL DAY SON!

Poop, man. Well, David Choe is hiring - as much as I want the gig for myself, it seems like it might be up your alley:

Do you do any graphic design? Link to a resume? Been keeping up with you (lurking, stalking, whatever, don't judge!) for a while now, and may be able to help out.

So…to make a quickly-aging baby, they made a fake quickly-aging baby?

Or in the pockets of the poor PAs, grips, makeup artists, wardrobe folks, craft services peeps….etc…who could really use the work.

Also, something something Roman Polanski (who is still alive, btw).

Alan Moore's Lost Girls.