
Ok then. Knightzone?


So…who's going to be the next black celebrity to end up in prison for tax evasion?

Going down on chicks who don't bathe everyday. Discuss.

Chekhov's Walder Frey. Sigh.


Back in my day, we just stabbed the celebrities we loved.

So it's not about Scientology?


vegan jesus understands my thesis statement.

Maybe - they're both fast and danger.

"Well I think God hates gays based on terrible information." booo

Sounds like a threat. Typical troll.


Beyond the Valley of Trolls

Using sex as a weapon in a non-sexual (ostensibly) dispute?

I think I didn't know what to do, because I just remember dying for like a week straight on that level.

Shadows of the Empire (N64) was fun as all get out. I guess not very many people played it, but  those who did will remember how uncanny IG-88's AI was for the time.

Am I dumb? Or is "enfidence" not really a word?

I woke up this morning with a bad hangover
And my ear was missing again.
This happens all the time.
It's detachable.