
Followed by the sound of helicopters blades getting closer but not blocking out the bloodcurdling screams.


I'm so glad Matelio was returned within the episode's first commercial break. I know there was no way I could've handled stressed-out Jane for another few episodes because then I would get too invested in his return that I would probably end up freaking out like Jane.

Ha, Petra thought she got off "SCOTT-free."
I get the narrator's pun now.

Man, that credits-stinger is genuinely one of the most devastating things I've seen on TV this year.
The next Gravity Falls episode will be October 26. How many more episodes will air this season?
Will there even be a next season now that summer's ending?
I'm so worried, you guys.

The video comes with an explicit tag, so I'm assuming it'll be bleeped on TV, especially since "bullshit" is uttered in the video.


Jane the Virgin returns tonight, all is right with the world.

Also, a new Gravity Falls where ads for the new episode are so vague, you just know shit's hitting the fan tonight.

"Mom, you know we smoke and you never told us our dad died of lung cancer?"
Mama Bouvier (defeatedly): "I thought it made you look cool."

FYI, season one of the show is coming to Netflix on Monday, so hopefully that'll help with the bingeing (sp?)

So, my birthday was this last Sunday, celebrated by watching the signature edition of The Iron Giant. The two news scenes really didn't add or detract anything from the movie, but it has definitely aged well and I loved seeing this on the big screen after I missed the original theatrical run for it. Also, wow


It is so good to have Regina King back on tv.

That was a downer of an ending to one of the most hilarious shows on TV.

Thanks, cool dude (because you're ice cream. Get it?)

I shall check it out, thanks for the recommendation, always good to see movie titles share the same name as me.

Did you flip a coin to see whether or not you should wish me a happy birthday?
If so, I'm glad you did.

Oh, I also listened to the Hamilton soundtrack. I dug it, but I was worried as to whether or not I'd get the songs even without seeing the show beforehand in the beginning ended up being a silly thought.

It's my birthday today and I'll be celebrating by watching the new theatrical release of The Iron Giant. So excited since it was the movie I watched as a kid that made me love movies but I missed its original theatrical run,