
I laughed when I saw Jane and Xo hadn't even gotten through 1/4 of the bottle and were already wasted

Geesh, I had no idea we were already at the end of season 4

“Oh come on, Jane. That’s so not sexy, and I love nachos.”

Geesh, wonder how horny everyone will be during chapter 69

"Scams make me horny"

I rolled my eyes at the Betty and Jughead kiss (yes, I wished the show kept him asexual) but everything else filled me with glee tonight. This is like peak TV teen soap opera

Josie and the Pussycats is the greatest movie of all time.
Join the army

Doesn't everyone?

I'm still amused that everyone seems to like her (Petra of all people actually approves of her) but the narrator seems to keep forgetting her

I texted a friend who's a crazy cat lady if she had any cat food recommendations ans she was genuinely shocked I was considering eating it because it tastes gross, apparently.

Yeah, that wasn't there. I don't even remember the show opening with Diane's reaction to Trump's inauguration but rather at the scene where Diane is looking at that European house?

"Dance classes are cancelled, the ballroom instructor just waltzed out of here. Get it? I'm kidding she actually died recently."

Like others have said, as cruel as it was for Jane's to be made a widow, the season was getting so stale and forgettable that I'm excited for the rest of the season. I'm really hoping last night kicks in a much needed revamp for the show.

I got a keychain and Hot Topic shirt with Greg's "If every pork chop were perfect we wouldn't have hot dogs" quote

I legitimately didn't see the leaks because I was so busy with work that by the time I realized there was a leak (which happened last week) I couldn't find any of the videos so I'm actually going into the arc blind :/

A Bigger Splash?
Yaaaaaaaas, I've been meaning to watch this movie

I'd say its currently CBS procedural good but in the earlier seasons it was actually good

I'm hoping for Vanessa Williams just so she can basically play Wilhelmina Slater again

After just to compare both finales

"Anyone want to speculate who was watching from the window?"
I'm going to guess Bill since the previews for next week's finale featured a lot of him. He may be dead in the present but he's still kicking in the past