
Whoa. And I saw Still Alice last night. RIP

Rafael's sister gave Petra her shares in the previous episode, so she's majority owner now.

I'm not as dumb as I am.

Haven't seen the episode yet, but I'm here to keep bragging about how I met Raul Castillo earlier this weekend.

Oh God, yes.

OK, so I met Raul Castillo, Richie from HBO's Looking while at work. He was sooooooo nice and soooooooooooooooooo dreamy in person I'm surprised I didn't do anything to embarrass myself.

Hmm. I missed that episode obviously

Aliens? Did I miss something this season?


"I don't know anything all the time. That's basically my whole life."

He needs to become a regular character.

Frozen. Just watch Frozen. Forget the others.

Finally gave in and got Hulu Plus. Might be useful on account of how not a lot of websites give Direct TV access to their shows. Plus I can watch the premiere for The Last Man on Earth tomorrow since I'll be missing it tonight because The Good Wife is a much bigger priority.

Can NBC please make a spin-off where it's the same actors and characters and its equally as great as Parks and Rec, but the difference is that this series would never end. Is that too much to ask?

I hadn't noticed :p

Thanks a ton! Is there anything else I should know about it? I'm logged as a guest and checking out some of the rules as I wait authorization on my account.

Done! It's under this name too.

Can you tell I'm not as active and knowledgeable as I wish I was?
What is the TI Forum?

I'm not advanced enough in my witch doctor studies to give someone good luck. I can at least perform some annoying hexes on the people inflicting pain to her. It's mainly some light ringing in their ears that won't go away.

David Sedaris' Naked.