
Even since the eclipse episode, I've really been enjoying this series and it looked like it was finally shaping up to be the pulpy fun thriller I wanted it to be. This episode was such a huge killjoy to that momentum though.

"I think you're just upset that Diane ate it."

SPOILER ALERT: We all die in the end.

…I actually love the Community puppet episode

There's a theory that the goat is actually possessed by Stan's brother.

"You are here. Now there is no place to go but home"

At least you've still got Metastasis. Recently caught the Face Off episode and loved it (I have Spanish television as my cable package, so I get to watch the series live.)

Pop culture thing I've yet to complete: Today, Sundance is having a series long marathon of Rectify and I plan to do it to catch up on season two. If I wake up early enough for it that is.

No you're not.

currently watching an encore of this and already it's my favorite episode of the series because of how active the characters in the episode are.

It's oddly compelling.

Wait, you've been watching Metastasis? I know no one else who watches it!

"Hey, that's a lewd hand gesture!"

"I wonder what adorable things are going on in there."

"The show is much too fun to give it a D+"

This is amusing.

While doing a google image search for the shapeshifter, I came across this spoilery image that's supposedly leaked from an upcoming episode. Confirmation?

And then the shapeshifter actually turned into the Slenderman creature from the short.


So, that was unexpectedly intense as it was hilarious. Goddamn this show for being awesome.