
Gideon has 5 fingers, don't forget.

Interesting, although I made a rule that if I already have this super awesome special edition of a movie on DVD, I wouldn't get the Blu-Ray version of it. But I do love Predator and Jaws.

Was anyone else really really really really REALLY annoyed with how Eph and Nora were doing the autopsy on the pilot without a hazmat suit, or even a mask?

That's not the only thing he's flipped with him!

Ack! Thanks!

I was just there and it wasn't :(

Finally got a Blu-Ray player for the sole purpose of watching Twin Peaks: The Complete Mystery.

"wait, has anyone asked Ernie Hudson what he thinks about Ghostbusters 3?"

It's Gideon, so I feel no remorse after what he did to Waddles last season.

Which means that his awesomeness is too good to be true…

"When I say 'Mabel,' you say 'Pines.' Mabel!"
"Why does this never work?"

&dra is a fabulously dumb pop star name.

Pretty sure we saw Robbie in that journal page labeled "The Undead" Mabel flipped by.

He cleans up good.

And here I was, hoping that Disney would stop with their weird schedule when it comes to this show…

Saw Snowpiercer and Under the Skin .

Have yet to see Snowpiercer, but you're the first person I've met who can say (type?) with a straight face they found something of merit in The Signal.

The Signal?

I'll concede to this way of thinking.

Well, now I'M curious.