
I need Ray and Slater to hook up.

So, "simple" automatically means "stupid" and things have to be complicated to be of any merit.

Honestly, it feels as if we're watching 2 different shows. You say "The more this show tries to create backstory, the less I like it." Well I love it it because it tackles so many complicated characters and storylines, but it creates a world that feels so real and imaginative that makes me fall in love with it more.

Finn losing an arm and finding out his dad is a deadbeat is not a "real" problem?


She's definitely Archer's daughter.


Abbiejean according to the closed captions.

Tree Trunk's failing marriage made me sad. ;/

This was so confusing, thrilling, and bizarre. I loved it.

They still got another day or two in them.

"Hi, my name is David Kallison and I’m filling in this week. Carry on, carry on."

Slightly disappointed, but I'm still anxious for tomorrow's premiere.

It's a reunion between Burton and the writers of Ed Wood and stars Amy Adams, Christoph Waltz and Kriten Ritter.

I read "sauce" and thought of something really raunchy. Just letting you know.

What was the joke?

Probably still out of most of our league.

…She's 16

I say we tie him up and let the sunlight do the work for us!