
Our church really didn't cover the New Testament stuff…

Wasn't able to see Gravity in that format, but I did see it in Cinemark XD, the cinemark equivalent of IMAX, and it was amazing.

Attended a national journalism conference in Texas and competed in a Critical Review competition and won "Honorable Mention," so this pretty much validates that I should get a career in this.

I still hate o'Mara's character though.

Admittedly, I giggled at the dinosaur failing at juggling, but I really can't think of anything that will make me look back at this episode and think positively of it.

A "C"? Seriously?

The Bletchey Circle returns tonight?!?!?!

"disney Channel aired a marathon of it…"

Toks Olagundoye is the funniest woman on TV IMO.

"I want to be a gardener!"

"Red X! Red X!"

Now I'm sad too.

There was this brilliant one called something like "Why is the Virgin Mary Crying?" about how Catholicism is evil because of how they idolize people as saints.

But no Babou…

"Klaus, did he leave?"

I'm really surprised of the positive reception this episode received. I thought it was really stale and the writing used some really broad and lazy generalizations and the characters seemed to be going through the motions. I was bored in this episode and only occasionally laughed. Then again, I enjoyed the last few

I'm totally planning on a second viewing.
Even though I'm not sure that what I saw was good, Nicole Kidman's acting and how weirdly mesmerizing the film is more than justifies a purchase of the DVD IMO.

Saw, Stoker I have no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to think.

There was nothing theatrical about it. I wouldn't have hated it so much if it was a TV movie instead.

I guess we now know that Hannibal likes eating out.