
Why the hell would someone like Jon Hamm need to be on a dating show?!?!?!?!?!?!

I thought CBS' Unforgettable was a summer show?

Wow, that close?

I'm seeing this in IMAX 3D (my first IMAX movie!) what's the best place to sit in an IMAX theater?

Don't need a machine to tell me what I already know: I watch WAYYYYYYY to much television.

The fart?

Also, how far along is she in her pregnancy?
Isn't there something about pregnant women not riding planes?

Glad I decided to watch this show.

Pam: If we're going after the clones, we need to arm ourselves with garlic and stakes.
Krieger: What!?! They're not vampires!
Pam: The stakes don't care! We just need to strike when they're asleep in their coffins in the morning!

My vote goes to The Neighbors' Toks Olagundoye

Still waiting on that Dylan McDermott casting announcement so that we can watch that fine ass of his back on TV and I can get excited about this season.

What about FamilyLand?

Francine: Are your boobs bigger than mine?
Stan: What? No! They're just different. ..in size.

I'm sick and tired of you pretending to listen just so that you can *motions to her body* pound this!"

Out of curiosity, have you been watching the last few episodes by yourself?

As a first-time viewer, you SHOULD have started with the pilot. Not in the middle of the second season when there's so much stuff going around that you're not emotionally invested in to begin with.

Rewatched The Descendants.
Clooney and Shailene Woodley are fantastic in it, but the film still feels like it's pandering to the indie movie crowd.

Whenever Cary's on screen, the correct response is to be turned on.

I'm going to have to rewatch that episode.

Marguiles AND Christine Baranski need to make this their Emmy submission episode.