

Neither can I.

There was character development in the film?

Haven't seen the episode yet, but I saw that Bryan Fuller tweeted a photo of Mads Mikkelson in costume, wearing nothing short swimming trunks.

It's a stiff subject to discuss that could be rubbed off the wrong way.

Can this one feature more than 12 minutes of stripping?

When I shared that intro on facebook, I did not realize that that image was the thumbnail.

It's a frustratingly entertaining show. That's all I can say.

It's a tie between Batman: The Animated Series and Gravity Falls

Due to work, I'm going to not be able to watch tonight's Enlisted and Hannibal live.

I read somewhere (deadline maybe?) that the creator only wanted to do 2 seasons, but Netflix convinced him to do a third season. Don't think he'd want to do another.

Russell Crowe hasn't been the same since Tugger died.

Guess I should eventually check it out. Isn't it ending like, next season?

I'd rather they adapt the short story Goodnight Billy Moon, which is still one of the most soul-crushing things I've ever read.

Robin Wright would definitely be a reason for me to see this, but I was never really interested in checking this show out anyway. I just figured that since it was so talked about, that it was like, the best reviewed show ever or something.


I have a HUUUUUUUUUUGE crush on this guy, so I'll definitely watch this show.

Why are you complaining about that?

I'm not!

As someone whose been to Six Flags, the rides are just ok.