Oh man I can't wait for GOT to come back in July! What will that Tyrion get up to next??
Oh man I can't wait for GOT to come back in July! What will that Tyrion get up to next??
The legal system is already like a reality show. Silly Fox!
The guy with the nazi hair should have to apologize to Sam Bee!!
That Drew Goddard! What will he think of next???
Danny Devito playing in a live-action Dumbo? Outrage!
Serving coffee out of mason jars is stupid.
Yes, because there are droves of people who actually believe that the two are the same thing, and are not in any way exaggerating for effect. No one ever exaggerates for effect at the AV Club! Nope, 100% sincerity around here.
It was incredible. I miss those days.
Do you really want to read an article that amounts to "Joe needed a promotion. Joe doesn't really do anything that is considered "promotable", so Joe came up with an idea to "fix" the comment system. After the "successful" rollout of the new comment system (read - "success" is very loosely defined), Joe will get his…
Comment Lizard People (aka Space Pope)
!!noitnetta lacidem kees .ekorts a evah did uoY
Disagree. It's worse than the comment system equivalent of 900 sex crimes. It's the comment system equivalent of at least 901 sex crimes.
I'm just going to leave this reply here. YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I FUCKING MEAN DON'T MAKE ME SAY IT.
Maybe he means a more spiritual approach. She really just needed to come around to the idea of litigation. Incredibly, vociferously against it before, but why, Brie? Litigation is the cornerstone of a civil society, Brie, just open yourself up to it. No one is making you litigate, just be open to the possibility…
I prefer fresh tiny ships to all others. Sure they spoil quick but no way am I chancing shipbotulism.
Fun Fact: Sweet and Sour sauce is neither sweet nor sour.
Ah, fuck it…
The AV Club
Spaceship Yomama so fat, recent discoveries have found that her expansion is accelerating at an ever-greater pace, implying that at least part of her is composed of dark matter.
I'm just angry that I can't both downvote and upvote a post? NuDisqus does not understand the complexity that is my internet rating process…