Insert Pun Here

Well, sure, but who is going to choke down half a pound of spiders every day for 15 days?

I mean, on the one hand it wouldn't be likely to corrode anytime in your life. And should be quite a bit lighter than a typical steel water heater.

Woke Girl Demonstrates Robot-Human Intersectionality Like A Boss!!

Better Job Than Whatever It Is You Usually Do, Internet!

I did some very loose math, but I come to a figure of 132.86 nights.

What is the precise mass of Jupiter's moon Europa?

Soorry..soory…soory - could I have a Big Mac? Soory…

Another state Hillary didn't go to. Avoiding the Rust Belt AND Eastern Bloc? This is why we lost, people!!

< narrows eyes >

The Pregnacist Strikes Again

The mice in Of Mice and Men sure do get up to some hijinks! And the men never do catch 'em, either!! Crazy mice.

Well acquired knowledge was just replaced by received wisdom. And which would you really have - knowledge or wisdom? Especially if the wisdom is the kind that you don't actually have to have done anything to have attained.

I'm so mad at this pun. It's too good.

I long for a time in the distant future where we, as a people, all join together to recognize that JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE IS GOOD AT ONE THING DOES NOT MAKE THEM GOOD AT ALL THE THINGS. Even if the one thing they're good at is "being academically hyper-competent".

Oh man, the comps for an HR doctorate must be BRUTAL

Believing that people are calling you a Nazi out of some missplaced sense of ironic amusement, instead of because, you know, you're a Nazi, now THAT RIGHT THERE IS IRONICALLY AMUSING.

I was going to criticize the timeline here, but 10 days seems workable.

How is mockery ever not a useful weapon? Sure, people can act above it all they want, there is no one, not even the world's biggest sociopath or narcissist, who isn't worn down by constant mockery from everyone they meet. I guess they can always self-seclude and retreat to their bubble, but how is that not winning?

I just don't even understand why this slippery slope is even bad? So - we're supposed to not punch this Nazi because then everyone might go out and punch all the Nazis? Assuming that there's some wave of non-Nazi violence that will follow all the Nazi-punching isn't even a slippery slope; it literally does not follow.

Nonono, you guys. I'm not a peasant who has to actually do work like you. I'm landed gentry .