Thanks for giving it to us straight, Scrawler. You don't meat tube many people willing to do that, nowadays.
Thanks for giving it to us straight, Scrawler. You don't meat tube many people willing to do that, nowadays.
Username: I hate when people "Insert ___ Here". It's the laziest of lazy jokes, but it makes the lazy joker feel clever, which they are not. I'm the laziest of the lazy jokers, and I enjoy that unearned feeling of cleverness, and so it seemed appropriate.
You can't beat the sense of luxury you get inside the German Biebers.
Look, even the worst meth cook can make $4656 a week on their lab top. It's the turf wars that'll getcha.
The final scene of my Sean/Sean fanfic. Want the whole story? Please donate $2 million to my Kickstarter.
Well it's possible for a planet with no moon to wobble a bit on it's axis, so maybe that (assuming Westeros is a fairly high latitude continent)?
This meme has now reached apotheosis. Any other attempts are merely pretenders to the throne.
Why would I believe you? You're just a couple hicks taking a dump (on the same john! For shame!)!
Don't leave me hanging here - did her breasts ever end up sagging?
@avclub-03062ac10a37a7b63523b8ff320ecbb2:disqus Yeah, but who the fuck wants to see 'em?
Wasn't his name something like "Chris Turkleton"? I vaguely remember a throwaway joke about Dr. Kelso calling him Turkleton Turkleton or somesuch.
The only circus I've ever been to had a sad elephant chained to a stake with a chain that was 10 feet long, tops. I consider myself a pretty hard-hearted bastard, but watching that sad animal slowly walk back and forth in the few square feet allotted to it has turned me off of circuses (circusae?) ever since.
I not only failed an English Comp test because I refused to read Voltaire, I didn't even buy the suggested used copy at the bookstore!
I can't wait until you read @avclub-bc011d00bcc91da3b8b3cb43ca0bcd73:disqus post, collapse the thread, get a notification for this post, and have to expand the thread again.
TV Critic Thinks The Mindy Project Should Be More Like Muffins
The Mindy Project Needs Clearer Vision, Area Man Says
Cross Greeden.
The predictions of Peak Cock are vastly overstated. We have no idea what Peak Cock will look like, but we do know we have yet to reach it!
"These people hold public…PUBLIC… barn-raisings, where every member of the community is EXPECTED to help build the barn. Or they're SHUNNED. THIS IS SOCIALISM PEOPLE, THANKS OBAMACARE!!!'
The only thing that stops a man from ironing a good suit badly is a good man ironing suits bad.