And here I was being impressed that the girls aged so well over the last 20 years.
And here I was being impressed that the girls aged so well over the last 20 years.
In retrospect, none of us were really all that surprise that @Dikachu:disqus knew what the ALT code for a swastika was…
People can donate money to two things, even if one of them is objectively stupid.
More like Moananism , amiright, bros?
The AV Club
That should actually be this site's motto
That only works if everyone everywhere stops giving her attention. If even a few people give her attention, she will continue to exist and do shit to get attention. And as long as she's existing and doing shit to get attention, and as long as it's looking like everyone everywhere isn't going to stop giving her…
Slab? Yeah, right. Dude's more like a GUN Leader.
British. Krysten Ritter plays the Queen Mother.
Also, a real SR-71 has to refuel right after taking off, as it's tanks leak like a sieve at normal atmospheric temperature and pressure. There's no way Professor X has the resources to keep a refueler on constant standby orbiting the mansion (or any random place they land to have adventures) to support this.
Your mom only cried once when I did that. What gives?
McRib may win the election in 2016, but we all know Big Mac will be running the show.
God I hate these pun threads.
No Dire Wolf is complete without a giant, functional scorpion tail!
This is as good a place as any: I recently realized that the name of a local dive mexican food place translates in English to "The Little Cock". No one I know is as amused by this as I am.
Since I'm apparently the AV Club's unfunny uncle:
Surviving Zombie Apocalypse Step 2: Get off the couch and get a damn job because your mom and I aren't going to be around to support you forever and no I DON'T mind paying for you to get a degree in Semiotics but your twenties are over and it's time to grow up now.
I only listen to the music that's stuck in my head. It's just more authentic , you know?