How do you keep your iPhone wires from getting tangled in your scarves?
How do you keep your iPhone wires from getting tangled in your scarves?
But those guys want to have sex with her. They just don't understand why she won't accept that and just give it a try. They're sure she'll fall in love with them once she gets to experience their totally special love making technique of getting her clothes off of her as quickly as possible, pumping twice, and then…
I would really like to know what his actual singing voice sounds like. Every song I've heard him in fairly obviously auto-tunes his voice. Either that, or his actual signing voice is that high pitched, semi-robotic wail. In which case, Adam Levine may be the Terminator.
Well, I don't see a lot of definitional difference in "For Our Consideration" and "This Is Something I Was Thinking About And Wanted To Share". "Consideration" doesn't carry a necessary implication that you, the reader must consider the ideas being put forth, it only carries the implication that the writer considered…
Dawes is the Gentleman's D-.
Actually, A+ shouldn't mess up the curve. Assuming its a "bell" curve, it allows for a certain, small, amount of high scores, and depending on population size, even a couple perfect scores. If you really wanted to fuck the curve, you should've added in extra credit, as that potentially inflates all scores for those…
So, don't join a corporation, then?
great pieceasses/jason-sudeikis,696969/
Ah, you want the fabled Lightrail To Boulder. Good luck with that. Last I heard they delayed it to 2024 or some such nonsense.
Wait until April.
I attempted to prepare BONG a comment in advance, BONG but I suspect that my comBONGputer has been hacked by Taco Bell BONG. Hopefully this message reaches BONG someone, and if does BONG , please send help.
I attempted to prepare BONG a comment in advance, BONG but I suspect that my comBONGputer has been hacked by Taco Bell BONG. Hopefully this message reaches BONG someone, and if does BONG , please send help.
If this thread becomes poplar, I'll be so glade!
If this thread becomes poplar, I'll be so glade!
I'm not really going to engage with you on that level, but sure, if you want someone to say that rap lyrics are often misogynistic, I'll do it. Many rap lyrics are often misogynistic. However, many rap lyrics are not misogynistic. In fact, many rap lyrics have nothing to do with misogyny at all.
Discussing misogyny in rap lyrics on it's own merit - not racist.
That's it. I'm called an end to the Coded Racism Thread. Move along, people. Nothing to see here.
Right after we immolate Pearl Jam for the horrors of Nickelback.
Goddamn it, I knew I was the funniest motherfucker around.