Insert Pun Here

Eh, as far as I'm concerned Itunes has been rotten for a while now.

Are you shitting me, @paraclete_pizza:disqus ?  I was regularly awarded my middle school's "Perfect Attendance" award, and I always caught flack for it.  In fact, the crap I took for having perfect attendance was proportionally greater than the crap I got for participating in the geography and spelling bees, or for

Are you shitting me, @paraclete_pizza:disqus ?  I was regularly awarded my middle school's "Perfect Attendance" award, and I always caught flack for it.  In fact, the crap I took for having perfect attendance was proportionally greater than the crap I got for participating in the geography and spelling bees, or for

Funny excuses everything.

I award you the rare "Flag+Like".

You haven't lived until you've had the Lohan Clap at least once.

I read the comment silently, pondering the meaningless of this slow drudge that one might call existence. I extend first one finger, then the other, and yet still another, quietly tapping my very essence into the keyboard to express my agreement with the other commenter.  I wish for connection; it avoids me like the

You fucking take that back right now.

Hey, I'm with you - having HBO would be quite a teat.

"Basement" can mean either ass or vagina, since they're proximate to each other.  I guess you'd need to specify whether you're planning on cleaning the "finished" or "unfinished" basement, or alternatively the "family room" or "crawlspace".  Also, if you're planning on cleaning both, please wipe your feet if you start

Yeah, but weren't you still Pvt. Broccoli at that time?

Yeah, but weren't you still Pvt. Broccoli at that time?



I only hope something was fired from that blunderbuss!

I only hope something was fired from that blunderbuss!

AV Club really started going downhill once Leonard Pierce was no longer around to clue them into to tomorrow's hip pop culture trends.

AV Club really started going downhill once Leonard Pierce was no longer around to clue them into to tomorrow's hip pop culture trends.

No, little Billy, it wasn't scary.  In fact, my scariest moment was when I thought I had chlamydia.  Turned out it wasn't chlamydia, though - just a bad case of jungle wang rot.

No, little Billy, it wasn't scary.  In fact, my scariest moment was when I thought I had chlamydia.  Turned out it wasn't chlamydia, though - just a bad case of jungle wang rot.