
Don't be so modest. Being a Princess is totally a profession.

"Nothing here was intended to be mean or downbeat. It was all happy and peppy and shot through with color and light."

Enoby Darkness Dementia Raven Way will not be pleased.

Holy fuck, I have never wanted to still a flippant internet movie pitch more in my life.

@ Cooking With Cranston
"I don't understand the mass jizz-fest over Christian Bale."

@ Cooking With Cranston
"I don't understand the mass jizz-fest over Christian Bale."

Lindelof: "You are now in zee hands of Paramount. MY HANDS, to be precise."

Lindelof: "You are now in zee hands of Paramount. MY HANDS, to be precise."

I can't believe Rabin didn't link to a page where we could buy The Big Rewind.

I can't believe Rabin didn't link to a page where we could buy The Big Rewind.

That's hawt.

That's hawt.

Hopefully this will be modeled off the stupidest episode of that Superfriends cartoon to avoid any of that oppressive dourness. How about that one with the Rock and Roll Space Bandits: 

Hopefully this will be modeled off the stupidest episode of that Superfriends cartoon to avoid any of that oppressive dourness. How about that one with the Rock and Roll Space Bandits: 

Course, there's always the inclusion of those silly monsters at the end of THX-1138, but I still really like that movie.

Course, there's always the inclusion of those silly monsters at the end of THX-1138, but I still really like that movie.

Probably a stupid question: why isn't this an audiobook?

Probably a stupid question: why isn't this an audiobook?

Not really. I'd say for twenty-two minutes would be the most you could reasonably quote this episode.