

Having just watched the video for the fist time since the song was new, I have to say it's not as bad as all that. Sure, it's derivative (as all LK is), Hendrix-lite, and has any and all rough edges sanded off. But shit, compared to the sweater-wearing, wimpy 'soundscape' crap that passes for music these days, it's

Morrison didn't write Touch Me. Krieger did.

I'm with you. I was around 20 or so when "Let Love Rule" came out, and I thought it was great, because it didn't sound like fucking Depeche Mode or Stryper. It had a vibe, and he seemed to have good taste in influences. We see where that went later, but at the time he first came on the scene Lenny Kravitz was pretty

Ugh. Exactly the reason I stopped listening to "This Feels Terrible".

Actually, yeah. Harmontown gets derided here on AVClub for 'rampant narcissism' (oh the irony) but really… Dan has created a living, breathing community, lower-case c. There's an audience full of regulars who have become integral parts of the show. It's a podcast where one moment they could be riffing on pants pooping


I've pretty much given up trying with the new Community… Harmontown 4FR.

If you really think about it, "Silly Love Songs" is quite gangster.

But the bass playing on that song is top notch.

The Borgias just keeps getting better.

This whole season feels non-canon to me. Aside from a line or a gag here or there, it's been flat. I've heard it mentioned that it seems like 'fan fiction Community', and I'd have to agree. As far as I'm concerned, whether the show continues or gets canceled, it ended last season.

"Sorry, shoot me."

I agree. He's really slotted in nicely.

I've kind of been crossing my fingers for a Jerry Lewis interview. Make it happen, Marc!

I don't understand the hatred for the simple melodic solos on Green. I mean, have you ever heard Neil Young's Cinnamon Girl? That's one fucking NOTE, man. And it kills. There's nothing wrong with playing a simple melody. Is he supposed to be Yngwie or whatever the fuck?

1. Most of them were indeed terrible.

The other day, Erin told me it's midnight Pacific time (#humblebrag)

Idiot music critics. These are the same people who fall over themselves to proclaim how clever people are for sampling music (copy/paste, indeed).

Idiot music critics. These are the same people who fall over themselves to proclaim how clever people are for sampling music (copy/paste, indeed).