
Just reading that book made me claustrophobic.

Just reading that book made me claustrophobic.

Nah, it would have to be an HBO/BBC series, each book being about six to twelve episodes. Of course, to do it properly, you really first need to have a Cryptonomicon miniseries starring most of the same people who will be in the Baroque Cycle as their twentieth-century descendants/counterparts. (For example, Lawrence

Nah, it would have to be an HBO/BBC series, each book being about six to twelve episodes. Of course, to do it properly, you really first need to have a Cryptonomicon miniseries starring most of the same people who will be in the Baroque Cycle as their twentieth-century descendants/counterparts. (For example, Lawrence

Not really, bfred: Hard-boiled eggs don't require more than a minute of real work at the beginning (put water and eggs in pot, put pot on stove, turn on stove), then you futz around the kitchen until the water boils, at which point you put on the lid, set the timer for 11 minutes, and do whatever.

Not really, bfred: Hard-boiled eggs don't require more than a minute of real work at the beginning (put water and eggs in pot, put pot on stove, turn on stove), then you futz around the kitchen until the water boils, at which point you put on the lid, set the timer for 11 minutes, and do whatever.

Gillian Anderson.

Nah, we saw his weedy chest in the poolhouse.

Eh, I bet Victoria paid the lawyer off even before the appeal. But I still don't get the move to divorce law or Dave Clark's inability to get a new lawyer.

Yeah, that was the real WTF moment of the evening. If I were Nolan I would've copied the files from Shamu onto different thumb drives, password-protected each one, and put Shamu back on the desk for more revengin'.

You got a bargain, dude.

John Galt built this alloy IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!

Ed Debevic's is more "sassy", less surly. I was disappointed.

During that scene I was trying to figure out where in downtown Chicago it *could* be. Chase Plaza, maybe?

Nolan as Trickster God: Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

Hadn't he ever seen Titanic? You win not acting like a boor and thereby confirming their impressions of "the common sort", but by being polite and gracious, complimenting the food, and brushing off all implicit insults with "It's a little place, but my brother and I like it", "Well, Mr. Grayson, we do have some

"I love working on a team, but I also work well independently too." Blech.

Putting sexism in the movie is one thing. Putting blatant sexism in a trailer aimed at prepubescent kids is another. It's like if the trailer for "Huck Finn" concentrated on Huck's early belief that he should return Jim to his owner; it implies to young audiences that the movie as a whole is racist.

To be fair, those differences don't really show up until puberty.

Oh, God, Level 7 is insane. I'm slightly claustrophobic, so that book felt suffocating.