
I never saw "The Sandlot" as a kid, mainly because the "You play baseball like a GIRL" in the trailer struck eight-year-old me as sexist. Now it strikes me as both sexist and bad marketing, especially considering that a lot of little girls saw "A League Of Their Own" the year before and it's relatively easy to market


Fuck this shit. The Alan Turing biopic should star a Briton, and Stephen Fry should definitely be involved somehow. Ron Howard might be okay as the director, though.

I think the DVD version's coming out around Christmas… I've been hearing rumors around the Sherlock comms…

I saw the Jonny Lee as Creature version (because the Music Box fucked up and lost the other reel, and I had prior commitments on the makeup days). It was tight, and I can't wait for the DVD to come out. Which makes it, by my reckoning, eleven.

No, Hollywood. A Thin Man remake doesn't need the
style of Ritchie's "Sherlock Holmes", it needs the
star. Or George Clooney. They both have the louche
American charm required. Johnny Depp is too Continental for the role.

The Correct Answer is Satan's Alley
Because who doesn't want to see Spider-Man and Iron Man getting it on?

Music is less an artifact of its time than other media is, and thus stays "fresh" longer,
because you can't accumulate that much sociocultural baggage in three to five minutes unless the song's centered ON that sociocultural baggage. The musical style of the Beatles is firmly rooted in a time, but for most of the

Except that we already pay that royalty for writable media and digital recording devices - the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992 obliges importers and manufacturers of digital audio recording devices and digital audio media to pay royalties to the "interested copyright parties". (Note, however, that case law has said

Actually, I think movie!Stark Industries is doing pretty well. Hammer's shut down and clean, earthquake-proof power is the future.

It's not just you, JAGII. Junior year of high school we all had to read "The Sun Also Rises" and it was in my second reading, around the time we were discussing the part of the book in Spain, that I realized "wait…"

IMHO, Challenger's a dick, but his crew is pretty cool and his dickishness is less evident in "The Poison Belt" than in "The Lost World".

One of them needs to be changed to Arthur and George,
the true-life story of how ACD used his mad observational skills to exonerate a half-Indian lawyer's conviction for animal mutilation. With Hugh Laurie as Conan Doyle; I don't know who to cast for George Edalji, although he kind of looked like Russell Peters.

*fist bump in sympathy* I also hope that the transvestite gentlemen will realize that there are still many difficulties for women in the modern world. But yeah…

"Super-intelligent dog"
I'm pretty sure that's what Susan called him last night after he fake-hit on Emma Stone, no?

Wait, he stopped?
So you mean he was governor of California in real life?

Different Lady Duff-Gordon, T-bone—that one was a clothing designer during the Edwardian era. Cardozo's opinion is deliciously bitchy.

Could be Phillip Seymour Hoffman, with brown contacts and the right hair.

It was that "Broken" song that played during the credits. First time I watched the movie I was thinking "wait, this song totally doesn't fit the tone of the movie. Why is it playing during the credits?" I was watching it on a tiny 13" TV. The next time I saw the movie I saw it at the AV Club's showing at the Music

I've seen it being done for tiny little films as donations—for actual movies that would a) be distributed and b) require real money to be made, having stock in the movie a la "Bowie Bonds" would work well.