
Slapstick is one of my pet Vonnegut books. Not a great work of his, but something in it/about it hits me so perfectly that it nestles deep in my psyche for the long haul. Galapagos is the other one that did that to me. Sirens has bits that affect me the same way, and through to this day, but it's also among one of his

The reveal of who was actually writing to Unk was such a killer moment for teenaged-me.

…writing as Cordwainer Bird.

Star should be getting notice, it's true. But this past "movie event" was a bit of a let-down to me. The best parts were FANTASTIC and challenging in all the ways we love AT and SU to be, but the not-so-great parts were on the low end of not-so-great. But the show's done fantastic things in the past, and I expect

I already will have!

Twelve Turgid Men

Then you get to be President.

When it comes to diarrhea, you're really never half-full.

Welcome back, cauterization.

Putting the "D" in "defenestration."

There's truth in this statement, but it ignores the fact that The Pillows themselves are heavily informed by the 90s strain of alt-rock and what it managed to revive in what rock had become then. I mean, the band have a song called "Kim Deal," for goodness' sake.

I was already leaning toward being open to this sequel. As minimal and uninformative as this little teaser is, it's managed to shove me in that direction fully. I am now completely open to the possibility that this will be something worthy of the name, looks, and (especially) sounds of FLCL, even if it can't possibly

Yeah, I'm super impressed by the whole package. I still think he's a more intriguing visual creative than a musical one, but the music actually holds up nicely and feels as queasily off-kilter as the video.

But how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

Grind all that stuff in the freezer into coarse patties and grill.

There's no way that last photo is an actual image of Kevin Pang. If it is, well…let's just say it's not how I pictured him.

The Walrus was Paul.

Goddamn you, Dr. San! How could Tim have known your vape blend would do this to the festivalgoers? And then you took the easy way out like a coward!

Stop policing my relationship.

A cat is fine too.