
Oooh, lookit Mr. Fancypants here, pulling out the French spelling of "duh"!

In that case, it was Jose Peterson and me.

I can see this story, and that pun, as of one of The Onion's editorial cartoons by Kelly.

Assault on precinct 1/3

To me, BTS will always be Built to Spill. And now I'm picturing Doug Martsch's renaissance as a boy band hottie, and man…it just feels right.


Whyyyyyyyyyyyy not?

Pssh. I was pledging all glory to Hypno-Toad back before the Comedy Central days.

I think at this point, most people are just looking for an opportunity to end an internet comment with "smh".

You can't spell "manifesto" without three-fourths of "memo."

But what part of it is soggy? WHAT PART??

"Eels, sweetie."
"Eels, mom."

Missed opportunity to simply quote "All You Need is Hate" by The Delgados.

Yeah, Jobo's experience was mine as well. Fuck, it was driving me insane. Guess that's the last article-click I'll make until I'm sure this piece is old enough that I know it won't appear.

I can only assume heroin contributed to the framing of this hypothetical.

"hell Gordon Ramsey"?

Normally I hate it when people steal my lines, but your Jeopardy recaps are a national treasure, Jay. Thank you.

Plainview's face in that scene, when Eli is commanding him to repeat after him…goddamn. Daniel Day Lewis would have earned the Oscar for that alone.

The vocal rhythms of that show were essential to its humor. It was smarter than any other cartoon out there, but it was left up to you to follow it along (which wasn't a chore by any means), and the constant ramping of voices as its pace stayed high brought everything to a piercing comedic head. The voice acting was

No matter how cynical he grew to become, I have faith that he still believed what he was saying when he wrote his "Hello, babies" passage, which is the one bit of worldly advice I've ever embraced without question. "God damn it, you've got to be kind."