
I really like Fleet Foxes, and I love the Dirty Projectors, but man, each of their respective leading men can be real douches at times.

Like, literally!

Certainly this is the most interesting comic book related tv show/movie that has been put together in recent memory. Did not expect to enjoy this, but found myself pleasantly enthralled.

I want to say I have hope. Unfortunately, I fear that there are a significant amount of people who believe the exact opposite, and the extent that they are willing to go.

Man, I love this song. That brief intermission before the horns come blasting in is just fucking perfect.

Optimistic - Radiohead


I also think Unbreakable is literally one of the greatest movies of the 2000s, which I assume a lot of people would disagree with

I agree!

I had assumed (mistakenly, I guess) that the popular opinion was that Sixth Sense or Signs were his best movies. I of course disagree with that.

unpopular opinion: Unbreakable is by far and away Shymalan's best movie and is, in fact, one of the better movies of the 2000s.

I would also add that she had several opportunities today to deny that she does not support vouchers for the middle- to upper-class and on every occasion refused to do so, even when heavily prodded to give a simple yes/no answer. Don't believe me, GhaleonQ? Well, please refer to the videos present above.

WOW, these clips were painful to watch.

this made me lol.

History is a mirror, they say!


More like socially awkward. Like, they automatically assume they're the smartest people in the room and just shut down because of it. And trying to explain legal requirements/rules to engineers is akin to beating your head against the wall. The inevitable response to anything is: "Why is it like that? In my

I'm an attorney in an area of practice that finds me frequently working alongside engineers. I must say, as a group, they are a tremendously awkward and arrogant bunch.

Having lived in the Netherlands during my raucous years, I can tell you that how the Dutch manage their water resource is a thing of considerable brilliance.

Peanut butter is a useful incentivizing device