
Pet Sounds, always.

I like this.

Even if Nora was lying in a literal sense, I do not deny that she visited that world in some way, maybe in those lonely moments after they shut her in to that machine. Of course, it shouldn't even matter. I choose to believe her, but even if I didn't, this finale would still have worked magnificently.

This show has made me thankful for Damon Lindelof. These are words I never imagined I would utter.

Hmm, I don't recall mentioning anything about quality in my original post, but since you decided to go there, let me respond. This show is - aside from being refreshingly original - really fucking good, and I pity you for being too thick to wrap your head around that.

This show is so ridiculously original. There is nothing out there like it, now or ever.

I count myself as a sort of Prometheus apologist (though I understand the movie has many flaws) and I consider the original Alien to be one of the best movies ever made. So I'm pretty darn excited about this.

Say what you will about James Murphy, but the guy seems to legitimately care about his fans, which is super cool.

Are you perhaps deaf?


Plastic Beach for me. Several of the songs from that album are just perfect - am of course referring to "On Melancholy Hill," "Rhinestone Eyes," and "Empire Ants."

Brian Kilmeade is such a dinkus.

There's a new GAS album? This is splendid news!

I will echo this. It was incredible. Though I have heard the Shelby Foote volumes - in sacrificing McPherson's brevity - were are also tremendous.

Finished Battle Cry of Freedom a few weeks ago and have since transitioned to reading David Herbert Donald's Lincoln. The incredible amount of detail provided in the narrative of each respective book is very impressive, and also very important in understanding that crazy epoch in American history.

The moment when you do start to piece everything together while reading Lincoln in the Bardo is part of what makes it such a beautifully engaging reading experience, I think.


I'll probably listen to this a lot more than I did TPAB (will concede that it is a great album - it just has no replay value for me), but time will tell if I devour DAMN in the same way I did GKMC.

Shit, lot of good tv out there right now. The Americans continues along its beautifully tragic arc. Leftovers, Fargo, and Veep getting early rave reviews. Now this. Maybe the golden age of prestige tv is not dead yet?

Agreed on the annoying fucking characters. The show was vastly overrated until its final season, which even I will admit was great.