

I remember watching that movie frequently while growing up (owing to the fact that my dad loved it), and I also remember it being hugely entertaining. I especially liked it when the nude woman jumped out of the oversized birthday cake.

I think it would be pretty fucking cool if Nico Jaar would score sci fi movies.

This is the first xx album I can actually see myself listening to more than once. The debut was good, but it bored me pretty quickly. I See You is essentially a Jamie xx continuation, which is a good thing because he is clearly what makes this band interesting.

For me, the only two Murakami books I'm willing to call great are Wind-Up Bird and Hard-Boiled Wonderland. Everything I read after that just struck me as a shameless retread of themes and silly plot contrivances (see Kafka On the Shore)

In a better world, maybe..

Kellyanne reminds me a lot of my mother.

RIP Bonnaroo

Yes on the Leftovers, Americans, and Handmaiden.

I get the sense that the band is aware of that, and are looking to evolve and advance their sound. That's my hope, anyway. Regardless of the awfulness that is Mamford/Lumineers/etc, FF remain a solid fucking band.

And you're certainly not in the minority in thinking that way.

Stunning and tragic, to be honest.

"Let me tell you, stop-and-friskā€¦ the inner cities, law and order in the US - and I'll tell you- the community has been betrayed by the government, but we're losing jobs to China. I know ISIS better than everyone. And I have the best people for the job. And the media, they are liars and they need to be investigated."

Yeah, it's clearly their best album. I doubt the author has even listened to their music, to say such a stupid thing like that.

Dirty Projectors?

I dunno what Clayton Purdom is talking about, but Shields is much, much more than a mere "pleasant" album.

As long as Kate Beckinsale keeps showing up in black leather, this movie franchise will continue to capture my interest. I am not proud of it.

in this particular instance, yup.

Are you incapable of grasping even the most blatant forms of humor?

Your observations do so much to belittle the problem of addiction, but you seem way too thick for self-awareness. But I'm glad that you fancy yourself the resident fucking expert on survival. You've probably gone through so much in life!