
I share your enthusiasm. Also all the Radiohead nods are just wonderful.

Again, nowhere did I suggest that it was a good thing. But you're comparing it to non-consensual, sexual assault.

I do remember. But the extent of that story was that this cigar was used in a purely consensual sexual encounter.

I agree. That is mostly what I was trying to get at it in my post. Perhaps I could have been more transparent.

Unless and until that happens, however, your hypothetical is entirely that, a hypothetical. I would also point out that Trump has said PLENTY of awful shit while being a presidential candidate, including especially remarks that can only be described as anti-women.

Criticism, absolutely. Public ridicule and a date with the media firing squad? No.

I disagree with Dave. That is all that really needs to be said.


I can see where you're coming from, and I also had issues with the final twenty or so minutes, and especially the closing scene where Doss is praying before the final charge. I expressed this same view to a friend I saw it with, and while he too thought it a bit heavy-handed, reminded me that a scene like that

Even worse when they refuse to let anyone else have one, and are only able to finish a third of the six pack, which they inevitably leave in your fridge making it impossible for you to find a place to put your lasagna leftovers.

Certainly there are plenty of decent IPAs out there, I agree wholeheartedly. George_Liquor is merely pointing out the incontrovertible truth that there are far more terrible ones nowadays. The issue being, of course, that people will buy a craft beer simply because it has "IPA" printed in big, shameless print all

I enjoy craft beers, but I do not enjoy a large portion of the population that drink craft beers. Everything Bourdain says is 100% correct, and it needs to be said that the man is a national treasure.

I can relate to this so, so well. It certainly is disheartening, friend. Here in solidarity.

Interesting! I certainly enjoyed the second album, and I saw them on tour in promotion of it and loved the shows. But I think the first is by far the better collection of songs; but to each his own. At least we can all agree that the new album is something to get excited about.

Everything I've heard about the new Justice album points toward it being a complete return to form, which is just great.

Blue Velvet - the whole fucking thing


Best movie I saw this year.

It's just one of those movies that, despite fitting primarily in a specific genre, is just considered to be a timeless classic that transcends any genre.

I think Alien, aside from being an amazing horror and sci-fi, is also just a perfect movie, generally. I remember watching it for the first time in college and I was blown away by the cerebral nature of it all. I can't think of another movie that totally blends into its own environment like Alien does. The first