
Yeah, I loved the movie. But I wish they would have spent a lot more time in the forest, seeing as how that is what drew me to the movie in the first place. The first trailer A24 put out focused a lot on that setting, but the movie spent WAY too much time in the house and the goat's little play pen.

It was an allegorical representation of the modern day feminist's staunch position on abortion, obviously. I saw nothing wrong with it.

query: have the two ever been photographed in the same room together?

Believe dat

I certainly understand the criticism of this show, and others of it's ilk. But I love it. To my mind, shows like Westworld, BSG, The Leftovers (best show on television), and (to some extent) Lost have more grand literary ambitions than their peers, and I love seeing TV move in this direction. The joy is in the

go away chuck

I am disappointed that this article exists.

So many great songs mentioned above.

Oh man, this book (and the great film adaptation) hit me like a locomotive. A story that is so moving precisely because it is a narrative that plays out in the real world far too often.

Read Never Let Me Go.

Apparently after seeing that drivel Suicide Squad, St. Vincent was left so disgusted that she sent Cara a text (text!) breaking off their relationship.

I'll say "great" too

I heard recently that K Stew and St. Vincent (Annie Clarke) are a thing.


There are maybe one or two competitive online games I have excelled at in life, and one of them is the original Gears of War. Used to be I was a goddamn artist with a sniper rifle in hand. Sweet, sweet nostalgia.

No offense to Bon Iver and this stunning album, but this is probably the third best album to be released today, right behind Atrocity Exhibition and Sirens. But in all honesty, they are all near flawless albums and holy fuck has this been a great year for music. It's as if all of our greatest living musicians

Je suis Pepe!

An interesting point, but I think part of what made the movie so unremarkable was that Lynch deviated from the source material in ways that ultimately made his movie incoherent, and un-engaging.

My biggest problem was that Lynch's movie was nowhere near what I envisioned Herbert's Dune to look like. Sure, there was sand and worms, but everything else struck me as Lynch being Lynch. And the casting was a huge bummer.

Part of me just wishes cinema stays away from Dune. I can watch Lynch's movie and enjoy it, but I still wish it never would have been made. And after watching Jodorowsky's Dune, I can safely say I'm glad that movie was never made either. Too many artistic liberties taken with a story which is, after all, perfect