
I could listen to Werner Herzog literally talk about anything, and I really thought his presentation style would be perfectly suited for this kind of material. Dowd also seems especially critical of this doc by way of comparison to other critics. Has anyone actually seen this and can confirm or deny its greatness?

Hard to imagine a better movie coming out this year. Has all the weightiness of No Country for Old Men, but slightly less morose.

I have been thinking the same thing. As much as I love the show, I do feel like the next season needs to make it's way towards reaching some sort of resolution. Hopefully, it reaches one closely related to what you envision.

Yeah, that essentially hits the nail on the proverbial head.

I don't dislike it half as much as the folks over at Vulture, but the whole thing felt a little forced and I was honestly waiting for it to be over.

I know people are still convinced that Under the Sea is this season's finest moment and while that episode is indeed inventive and wonderful, this episode is without a doubt my favorite. It is also incomparably devastating and has been haunting me ever since I watched it. I do not think another show has dealt with

I mostly agree, but will add that snark and zingers is what makes the Left so great! It is also part of what separates us from the Right, who are not nearly clever enough to employ such tactics, and are largely incapable of any humor at all.

Yeah, I stopped reading and simultaneously lost all respect for the author at that point. Surprised I even made it that far. Such a fundamental misunderstanding of Stewart and, I think, political humor/satire in general.

Yup, I just watched it. That was the most difficult twenty minutes of television this show has ever produced.

Yeah, nothing to see with Ahmed's acting. The real powerhouse performances in this series are from Turturro and Wincott.

The NIN comparison is an interesting one, and I mostly agree. But, to my mind, Wild Beasts are a lot more fun.

Fuck I wish Animal Collective still made music like that. But your description alone is a sufficient reason for me to check this new Wye Oak out.

Oddly excited about this. I used to hate on Nolan just as much as the next guy. I still think those Batman movies are outrageously overrated. BUT, I recently watched Interstellar and that movie destroyed me. When I learned that it wasn't necessarily received as a masterpiece I was frankly surprised. Maybe I'm

Zhang is literally one of the greatest living filmmakers alive today. For fuck's sake, the man made Hero. Maybe, just maybe, we can give him the benefit of the doubt here and dispel these silly Buzzyfeed-esque articles.

Watching the DC movie universe implode is akin to watching a trainwreck that kills dozens in slow motion and I just love it!

Pleased to see Jewel/Symmetry getting some recognition for Themes From an Imaginary Film. Truly an awesome collection of tracks.

Sabbath's Theater is mostly masturbation.

Fuckin' right. The music was top notch material.

Yeah the music is what really sets this episode apart for me. And obviously the visuals, as well.

This show shouldn't be half as good as it is.