

Yeah those are the ones I'm getting, and it's at school comp so there's no browsing history.  It's always a little alarming to me when I see ads like these (or the "Language Professors Hate Him!"/"Lose 100 Lbs In 8 Hours!") on legit sites.  I'm thinking specifically of the NYTimes and Politico, but that site is total

Just wondering but how the hell did Newmax ads make it onto the avclub? This seems like as good a place as any to ask.

@avclub-b97ca122d91f0a094bbf3f9808f4daf5:disqus "i blame obama for ruining al green, and michelle for ruining wigs."

Yeah, I never actually listen to these stories because I think, "There's a human who was really really messed up and unwell and it's sad they didn't get help.  Now society is going to make him suffer badly," and so it's too painful to listen to.  I mean, unless the response to this is, "Hey, let's make sure there's

*I* was just kidding.  Obviously, there are no independent respectable researchers. All of the research was done by the NRA.

Well, those were not even the most accusatory comments she made.  I thought she was certainly casting blame on violent media (without evidence), and as far as he is a part of that he is to blame.

Well, they put out a statement blaming video games and movies rather than gun laws. I think there are tons of independent respectable researchers that have concluded violent media doesn't cause more real life violence.

Terry: "What do you like about it? (Django's violent revenge)"


Nah, it's a pretty damn good movie

@avclub-bd639b876c6a37363c08ea18cbcfe0c4:disqus Thank you, I hated that manipulative crap.  Basically, Stallone is a worthless piece of shit for doing that.

@avclub-bd639b876c6a37363c08ea18cbcfe0c4:disqus Thank you, I hated that manipulative crap.  Basically, Stallone is a worthless piece of shit for doing that.

Yeah the description is off as fuck - it's like someone entered "aging, death, movie" into google, saw Seventh Seal, and did a bad job paraphrasing Wikipedia.

Yeah the description is off as fuck - it's like someone entered "aging, death, movie" into google, saw Seventh Seal, and did a bad job paraphrasing Wikipedia.

"Well, you know…"
"Oh we DO, Dr. Jones.  I ASSURE you, we do."

"Well, you know…"
"Oh we DO, Dr. Jones.  I ASSURE you, we do."

Limitation is that it should be pretty household.

Limitation is that it should be pretty household.

Who gives a fuck?  I'm guessing not enough white or black people to affect ratings.