
Wow what an excellent symbol for selling the integrity of a brand, so glad I didn't play this game.

Daniel Craig's not bad in my book, but Clive Owen would have been epic.

Mine too.  It's sad because his show is one of the few sources of news I respect.

Hey Sean are you going to do a Newswire about NPR cancelling Talk of the Nation?  You've done stories on NPR before, and certainly done stories on less AV related stuff. I need somewhere to vent and the NPR site sucks.

Would it be so hard for the writers to subvert expectations a little?  Seriously, if they just had Rick shut his fucking mouth after giving the speech and let the audience take it for granted that Rick doesn't have downs, it would have mitigated the shittiness of including this predictable, lazy, time wasting plot

Oh, I'm listening to this post-haste.

That's fucking bullshit man no one here believes you.

Rick just reached level 14, but lost -50 Karma and is now a "Pinnacle of Survival."


I wish I could see that scene for the first time again :) Alec could kill a paparazzi and I wouldn't hold it against him.

Hahah #3 sounds fucking awesome, I guess I'll be checking out Pearl Harbor.

♪ Get your paws off me, you dirty ape! ♪

Nope, some reviewers are good and their articles are fun to read.  It's just that Todd's prose is too prolix.

@avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus No worries bro

Haha, Ron's incredulous look at the camera was amazing.

I think he's grading on the basis of how hilarious the B plot was.  He called out the stupidity of Ann's plot, and it was stupid.

Yeah that sequence was so fucking perfect.  I started cracking up as soon as Ben appeared.

@avclub-00aac26b51b1299deb39aefa7647eb5e:disqus fuck this shit dude, Rabin is doing a public service by tearing down bullshit, even if it is a slow moving target.  And I get where he's coming from.  Any time I see Family Guy or meet someone who likes Thomas Kinkade I get so mad I want to start punching walls.  If

@avclub-243410a55ae8f33d884b7c5d41f07c2f:disqus Yep, exactly what I thought of, too.

They are not bad in the same way that yawns are also not bad.