
Who gives a fuck?  I'm guessing not enough white or black people to affect ratings.

"However, apparently everyone here is incredibly PC when it comes to race, but apparently not much else."

"However, apparently everyone here is incredibly PC when it comes to race, but apparently not much else."

This episode definitely had a Fallout vibe, partly from 3-Dog's group, and because Rick and his group going around in Sneak Mode to blow the shit out of baddies as part of a quest. Rick definitely needs a Pip-Boy.

Agreed, I didn't detect any phoniness at all, think he was just being candid (perhaps too candid for national radio).

Agreed, I didn't detect any phoniness at all, think he was just being candid (perhaps too candid for national radio).

I love Loius' description of his reaction.

I love Loius' description of his reaction.

Haha, fucking nice.

Haha, fucking nice.

I was trying to channel Todd but I don't think I did it right

I was trying to channel Todd but I don't think I did it right

Growing up, I'd been raised in a very religious, conservative family.  We went to church every week.  I wasn't allowed to do homework on Sunday, because it was "a day of rest;" a day to contemplate the Lord.  Watching the Simpsons was verboten.  Needless to say, I was a virgin well into college.  But one day a couple

Growing up, I'd been raised in a very religious, conservative family.  We went to church every week.  I wasn't allowed to do homework on Sunday, because it was "a day of rest;" a day to contemplate the Lord.  Watching the Simpsons was verboten.  Needless to say, I was a virgin well into college.  But one day a couple

"The book of Mormon is like the Jar-Jar Binks of Christianity."

"The book of Mormon is like the Jar-Jar Binks of Christianity."

@avclub-1898a4d76532f237d9b5c0592dfe71a9:disqus I think you bring up an interesting point about peoples' reactions to her - looking at her as a cost/benefit ratio for sex, or as yet another hilariously disastrous date with no greater significance.  It is entertaining, but it's also clearly rooted in reality.  Louie

I think there's a lot of pretty decent caring people who are conservative and it's a shame they accept the insanity shouted at them by some soulless asshole.

I think there's a lot of pretty decent caring people who are conservative and it's a shame they accept the insanity shouted at them by some soulless asshole.

When I was 16 and in drivers ed, I had this cunt prick asshole ex-cop piece of shit instructor who loved Rush Limbaugh.  I hadn't heard it before, didn't know anything about Rush, but one day while I was driving and listening the Rush's bullshit and I just turned off the radio.  Instructor: "Pull over the car." We