
@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus Nah Transformers sucked all around

Alien and Aliens are amazing, tho they are different as has been mentioned.  Personally I thought the third one was a travesty, don't even bother with subsequent films.

Alien and Aliens are amazing, tho they are different as has been mentioned.  Personally I thought the third one was a travesty, don't even bother with subsequent films.

I wrote my comment after I saw saw yours fastandsloppy.

I wrote my comment after I saw saw yours fastandsloppy.

Hey I'm just glad Todd Vanderwerff didn't review this.  Holy shit that would have made me cry (AS I DO EVERY SUNDAY WITH MAD MEN).  I generally agree with Tasha's reviews, however.

Hey I'm just glad Todd Vanderwerff didn't review this.  Holy shit that would have made me cry (AS I DO EVERY SUNDAY WITH MAD MEN).  I generally agree with Tasha's reviews, however.



Thanks for the feedback, I remain optimistic about this.  Although when you mention the "surgery room" being scary, I'm worried how gruesome this is.  I'm super wimpy when it comes to gore. Ultimately any decent sci-fi movie with aliens trumps squeamishness tho.

Thanks for the feedback, I remain optimistic about this.  Although when you mention the "surgery room" being scary, I'm worried how gruesome this is.  I'm super wimpy when it comes to gore. Ultimately any decent sci-fi movie with aliens trumps squeamishness tho.

@avclub-6dfdd63abbcb8863fba5ab0ab35d76f5:disqus  Definitely a bit of Holden in this episode.  I'm happy Glen's night in New York ended happier.

@avclub-6dfdd63abbcb8863fba5ab0ab35d76f5:disqus  Definitely a bit of Holden in this episode.  I'm happy Glen's night in New York ended happier.

@avclub-b7ee6f5f9aa5cd17ca1aea43ce848496:disqus Betty sure is a vindictive bitch.  It's funny how Megan just doesn't give a fuck.

@avclub-b7ee6f5f9aa5cd17ca1aea43ce848496:disqus Betty sure is a vindictive bitch.  It's funny how Megan just doesn't give a fuck.

Edit: douche-y comment redacted

Edit: douche-y comment redacted

Was not expecting that ending - felt a little like a Wes Anderson movie.  I approve.

Was not expecting that ending - felt a little like a Wes Anderson movie.  I approve.

Sean, I can't tell if you're actually ridiculing Pryor's statement or not.  As someone else mentioned, seems like a surprisingly human response.