
That was amazing, Enkidum

I enjoy and agree with your post Yuri

I enjoy and agree with your post Yuri

I partially agree with you Sheltie, but as someone else mentioned already - had Don arrived earlier Joan might not have gone through with it.  I think both she and Don felt that this was a threshold that shouldn't be crossed.

I partially agree with you Sheltie, but as someone else mentioned already - had Don arrived earlier Joan might not have gone through with it.  I think both she and Don felt that this was a threshold that shouldn't be crossed.

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus  I think you're right, and that's why they revealed the timeline after the fact.  Tragic, but at least Don tried to rescue her - she knows she's not just a jaguar to someone.

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus  I think you're right, and that's why they revealed the timeline after the fact.  Tragic, but at least Don tried to rescue her - she knows she's not just a jaguar to someone.

"Well the good ones are made out of separate pieces, yeah,
this is uhhh. . . this is a nice one, this is an old one.  It’s made out of separate pieces of uh. . . of uh . . . of. . . loud material, and sewed together in squares. You can do this
at home.

"Well the good ones are made out of separate pieces, yeah,
this is uhhh. . . this is a nice one, this is an old one.  It’s made out of separate pieces of uh. . . of uh . . . of. . . loud material, and sewed together in squares. You can do this
at home.

Episode quality is inversely proportional to amount of time Fat Betty is on the screen.

Episode quality is inversely proportional to amount of time Fat Betty is on the screen.

@avclub-d60a556b10d7313b7e4026b4b9a19f32:disqus  I think I understand your point, and would agree that I could certainly be off in saying that he had some agenda other than simple storytelling.  I will re-read his intro.  But the product still speaks for itself, and my points about Martin are still just as valid I

@avclub-8e0da4e3b13468b77db94200e919d0ba:disqus  You seem alright, so apologies. I use the example of Tolkien to provide an analogy to compare the value of writing, in particular fantasy.

@drdarke:disqus All rage aside, that's what bothers me so much - this isn't Tolkien we're talking about here.  Look at who Tolkien was - he was a veteran of  the trenches  of WW1 - an officer, scholar, aristocrat and philosopher in his own right. He was a different breed, and his sophistication and intellect are

@avclub-de9b2c02683eda6f873cba299e2712f5:disqus  Holy shit, that is fucking amazing.
"Fat Betty had a lump, Bam-a-Lam
Nothing wrong with her THYroid Bam-a-Lam."

@avclub-8e0da4e3b13468b77db94200e919d0ba:disqus Did your mum binge drink while you were a fetus? That would explain your shit reading comprehension.

Megan - 1
Fat Betty - 0

Edit: Blah blah blah posted in wrong thread

January Jones is a truly awful actress.

I think it's more that she wanted to be a copywriter in the first place (or at least once she saw what Peggy was doing) and Don's position allowed her to skip the vetting process.