
Megan is unhappy in spite of her success.

I've got a question - what the fuck is with advertisements on porn sites? THAT'S the most upsetting thing for me - I can avoid the bizarre porno just fine, but having the bizarre shit forced into my viewing experience regardless of whether I want to see it is disturbing. NO, I don't need a larger cock.  NO, I don't

Actually, NBC Universal couldn't secure the rights.  The film will continue but they have to use the name Selizabeth Blaylor.

On the topic of stuff:

Dammit Emperor Jim you are one dumb motherfucker.

"I guess I'm just a sucker for scenarios where disparate groups come together to build something bigger than themselves."
Me too :)

I agree, I was surprised to read that because it was such a genuine and emotional concept that seemed thematically consistent.

And Lizzy Caplan is very pretty indeed :)

@avclub-d892cfee412f049ca3da7ada13bcf9ff:disqus I respect that.  It's pretty crowded and it's too bad they had to rush to wrap things up.

Some of the only times I've ever gotten teary watching a film were in this show.  How it ends with Lindsay driving away is so very bitter sweet.

See, most people saw that line and the idiot part of their brain went,"Uhhhuuuhuh giant thing, funny!"  Then the more mature thought process took over and said, "You're a fucking idiot shut the hell up." 

Knavery, an imposter!


It's a group of young adults who think they're hot shit.  There's nothing profound about her reaction.


Megan is sexy hot.

Lobsters, did your mother snort cocaine and drink lots of vodka while she was pregnant with you?  Were you repeatedly dropped on your head as a child?  I guess these are rhetorical questions, because what else could explain how fucking stupid you are? Maybe it's a combination of all of those tragedies as well as

Hey Jim,

Fuck I hate conservatives.  Goddam ignorant, delusional, inbred, degenerate white trash.  Fuck.

Hey Erik E Erik,