
Except that it ended up generating some thoughtful responses.  The objecting of trolling is for people to get upset, not be reasonable.

It almost seems like a heartfelt declaration, if you don't pay attention to the lyrics.
 Now when I listen to it?  To me, it's saying "All the parts of life that are making you miserable ('I know this world is killing you')?  I'm claiming responsibility for setting all of that into motion ('My aim is true')

I hid behind a Huey Lewis & The Attractions Greatest Hits, afraid of getting burned by an album with substandard filler in between hit singles, before a friend of my mine got My Aim Is True for me for my birthday.  I can't thank him enough.

Hey, I own "Sports"!

Considering that they've convenience stores all over the place, I'd say it's more of a post-post-apocalyptic world.

Yeah, I don't get that, unless it's a comparison to "old" rock music.

Avoid the Episode VII forums at theforce.net at all costs.

Try the "Millennium Falcon" novel - great little 'adventure where the galaxy isn't at stake' story that goes over just that.

You forgot the part where Grievous gets a blood transfusion from Sifo-Dyas' corpse to get his midichorians.

The novelization actually used units of time.  I'm guessing Lucas, whose scientific background is probably endless, thought "wow, parsecs is a cool spacey time measurement!" Looking up what it meant would've cost him precious minutes he just didn't have.
Right up there with spaceships making "swooosh" sounds in

And she kinda dicks Solo over for the Rebellion - which goes a long way to show why Solo is all about not getting involved with them.

Daley didn't really give us much about Solo's history, though - he was probably hamstrung by Lucasfilms, considering he wasn't even really allowed to use the Rebel Alliance or the Empire. 

Bah, we've got the better Haunted Mansion.

Entering Old Man mode:

Banana Man was watching an exercise show on TV…

The preview card showed Magic Man looking at his own empty refrigerator, so yeah - I doubt he planned anything.  He was hungry, and he decided to steal a sandwich in the most obnoxious and power-wasting manner possible.

It wasn't the Green Lady haunting him as a child.  He was trying to bring forth all the things he was most afraid of to break King Worm's dreamscape - i.e. the ocean, the Lich, being treated like a little kid by Bubblegum…

Oh, I'm not referring to the current X-Factor - I'm talking about when
Peter David was doing X-Factor in the 90s.  He was so incensed by
editorial interference that he walked in the middle of a storyline. 
That's why the cross-overs with X-Factor this time around have been so
mild; I'm sure he made it a condition if

I think it appeals to certain niche of interests - fantastical history retelling (like League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or Planetary) can be exhilarating or tedious.  For me, it's definitely the former.  But I'm also intensely interested in Oppenheimer and the whole Trinity project, so there was that as well.

Yeah, the daughter was pretty tragic - she killed herself a few years after both her parents died.