C is sometimes for cookie

Janey-E: Dougie, I have to drive over to my cousin's baby shower. I'll probably be gone all day.

At French court, well…
Charles' reign was longer than that of Francis, but ended abruptly enough that Henry (Henri III) had to be called back from being king of Poland to take over.
After all that, Claude had a happy and not particularly historically eventful marriage.
Narcisse drowned in an erotic bath.
At the marriage

I've kind of tuned out this season - only to suffer heartache when I heard Lord Castleroy's character was assassinated. No matter how messy this season was, I'm glad the show was given some time to try to tell the end of its bonkers story.

I can't figure out if this was a legitimately funny addition by the writers, more proof that Noah is the worst, or a combination, but the conversation the French women had in the Christmas market when meeting Noah went something like this:
Isabelle or Catherine: He's seductive…a bit like George Clooney.
Juliette: You

Okay, I didn't notice, thanks.

Yes, I remembered that, but I guess I thought the technology is vague enough that there's room for it to go either way.

I was under the impression that he had drugged them and killed them in their sleep. Maybe that's also totally off-base. Was there some reason the MiB picked Maeve's previous personality and her child - had he observed in them the capability for true sentience that, if he is William, he also observed in Dolores? I

Evidence against the William = MIB theory :
It was revealed in the first episode that Dolores was the first host ever built, so even with upgrades, her internal structure would still probably be the hydraulics instead of the 3D printing technique new ones have.
MIB says he wanted to prove to himself that he could commit

Someone needs to show proof of life on Melania. I got concerned when I noticed her written statement stopped plagiarizing Michelle Obama and started plagiarizing Eva Braun.

Lancel. He's so hot right now.

I was surprised as anyone by the announcement of "The End," and also disappointed by lack of Vanessa overall. I did really appreciate the final sequence though, the still nameless Creature losing not just the only connection to someone who knew him as a man in the past, but also the one who most cared about him in

When Charles asked for a volunteer to be a decoy in his bed, and the friend who had the least similar body shape to Charles basically bolted off-screen to do it, I was hoping that it would come back in play somehow and that he was the traitor. Catherine would walk in and immediately know it wasn't her son, and the

If the Scottish clans hadn't started shooting arrows, I wonder how long that druid's travel blessing was going to take.
"O hear us, many gods, unto these traveler, grant protection. And in protection reason. And in reason, light. And in light, truth. And in truth, justice. And in justice, peace. And in peace,

Break out the Pepper!

I agree, but since the premiere I thought it would be funny to think we were about to witness the redemption of John Clare only to have a sharp swerve into Caliban.
"Honey, I'm h-…Oh. You've, uh, really gone with the whole living in squalor thing, I see. Have you been wearing a sack for long or… What's your cousin

"Madam, you may not recognize me or believe what I tell you now: I am your husband, brought back from the dead."

I agree. I know it's a soap, but I'd like there to be a relationship between a man and a woman on this show that doesn't turn romantic or sexual. For example, I don't think there's any historical evidence that William Cecil's relationship with Elizabeth was anything other than that of a mentor who took his job very

Upvoted for thematically appropriate idiom.

Didn't Rumple try to get Cora to have his child a few seasons ago? He just felt guilty about not fulfilling his part of the Faustian contract I guess.
That would be such an easy fix, too, instead of "second child" say, "The next child of your True Love."
Can Belle immediately cut this off with saying that it's her

Thank you.