Partially Bigoted Zealots

That's a deep pull, man. Respect.

I'm going to take the odd step of watching Trevor Noah as the host to see if the show has turned into a disaster. I'll probably also give him some time to figure it out first before calling it a failure. I don't know. Just me. Maybe the whole "view before you review" model is outdated.
Also, there was no mention of

I was thinking the same thing. I think the link between Agent Carter and Daredevil is that they aren't wedded to the events of the bigger MCU. They're free to do what they want—either because of timeline, or the stakes are smaller—without having to worry about what the films do. SHIELD always seemed to be reacting to

That makes me feel a little better.

I've had Netflix Instant for years and it never occurred to me to look for the movie on there. The new technology is still magic to me.

I was just happy because it confirmed I was not insane. There was a movie called The Rocketeer, and people saw it. No one in my circle of friends knows anything about it. Including people I swear I saw it with when it first came out. This article has restored some semblance of sanity to my life.

I liked Frank, and was rooting for them! Which made him as Randall all the more powerful. (I have not read the books, so I don't if the TV show made him more likeable or if I just have terrible judgment.)

If they do, I hope the keep the Gaelic in. Either subtitle it like the Russian scenes in "The Americans" or just keep it untranslated. I was able to get the gist of what they were saying based off of how they filmed the rest of the scene, and it didn't pull me out of the story at all.

Good to hear, I don't want it to take over the whole show, but not exploring it would just be criminal.

The final title card in QL always brings a tear to my eye.

I was ambivalent about the whole vase thing at first, but as they show went on I look back at the scene and think it was pretty good. The confidence helped a lot, they didn't really hedge on anything and just went for it. Having the books as a guide could help that, but it was fun to watch a show just go head first

I haven't read the books either so we're both flying blind. I don't want the getting back to be a huge thing every episode (a la Quantum Leap) but in the pilot I think it would've been okay. Just some acknowledgement that she was thinking about it. Or, at least, wondering how she might get back.

Being a huge genre fan, I was hoping for more of the time travel aspect to be played up, or at least more tension between being in the past, and trying to get back. That might be a lot to ask for in a pilot, and we'll see how it plays out over the rest of the series. Everything else was spot on, and I was impressed

Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen that specific scene played out (at least nothing memorable) but a sex scene where the pleasure is centered on the male character is pretty ubiquitous. So, I understand the point even I'm not sure about the example.

TV Land used to be that. I remember watching all of Dragnet and Adam-12 on that show. I was the only kid who knew who Kent McCord was when he showed as John Crichton's dad in Farscape.

I've noticed this too. The worst is when you've seen the original, and know the syndication cut significantly alters a scene throwing the whole plot off. Just super-awkward.

Same with me, I really enjoyed Lost and BSG, but this ending irked me. I haven't been able to shake it.

That idea has been floating around since he tweeted his plagiarized apology. So, just blame the internet writ large.

Other way around. Pilot was filmed in Atlanta. The series was filmed in Detroit. Or, I watched a lot of very cleverly cast decoys ruin traffic and con the local press for a few months.

I mean, let's be real. A real lawyer wouldn't own any case reporter volumes. He'd look that up online, or go to a law library.