Wooly Shambler

I should probably clarify that what I meant above is that I want to see Emma and Regina together — thus rendering Robin superfluous also, since that role can be filled by Emma. But I definitely agree that all these other characters are way more tolerable than the Charming family. (I think the Emma in my head is more

Fair enough! I'm sure I'm super biased because A) I despise love triangles to the point I've stopped watching shows because of them e.g. Korra and B) I think the narrative would be tighter if the redemption arc/romantic sub-plot with Emma was given to Regina, thus rendering this particular back story of Hook's

There's a difference between flirting — Emma's an attractive person — and the "love will make the bad boy a good person" thing they're trying for. I feel like it was implied Hook's a bit of a womanizer, but I could be wrong. And wasn't the flirting a little creepy? Even on the reviews for this site it was noted that

The Wii/Wii U is one thing, but I don't think the 3DS is really lacking in software.

This premise sounds like someone went through a checklist of lesbian pop culture cliches and combined them to create a show. I can hear the Internet outrage already.

For a show that's purports to be about the power of true love, it's REALLY bad at depicting it. Despite their chemistry, the romance between Emma and Hook feels really rushed and forced. It's a bit more understandable that Emma, who's under a lot of stress and still dealing with Neal's "death" (which is still such a

Once Upon a Time: Twilight

Made the mistake of going to the YouTube page for The Man in the Moon video. Much…misguided anger there.

I agree. I like Meg in small doses, like at Ace McBrady's party, but wasn't feeling a whole plot line centered around her. And I think Bert is adorable.

Or he might be escaping them. I hope this does turn out to be a good career move for Dornan, because I wouldn't take this job just based on the fans alone.

I knew squirrels were terrible, but sea otters too? :(

I hated the whole story-line with Tamara so, so much. Not just for the reasons you included, but because it just added more to the show's "POC can only be evil or dead" thing. And the only reason for it was to make that terrible "romance" happen.

Yeah, the chronology is still super confusing with that info — perhaps the only explanation is that in Neverland time is wonky? Honestly, I'd just attribute it to writer carelessness. But Rumple definitely became the Dark One centuries ago, that's for sure.

I don't want Neal to die — MRJ is one of the better actors on this show. I want them to get rid of that misogynistic as hell "romance" story-line he has with Emma, and just focus on his relationship with Rumple, maybe Hook. And I know this is kind of out of nowhere because they've had pretty much zero interaction so

Yeah, but making Henry evil would require Jared Gilmore to, like, act.

Rumple and Bae aren't just decades older — they're centuries older, according to Carlyle and the writers. So Neal's like, 200+ years old — which makes his dalliance with teenage Emma rather creepy. Even if he wasn't aging physically, surely he aged mentally in some fashion. Then again, most of the romances on this

Same, if only because I enjoy it when Parrilla is given more to do, but I imagine any conflicts she might have had about it went out the window when he took Henry.

I'm a lesbian and I just swooned because of how much I love this picture.

How the hell did you pick up on the Emma/Regina subtext but miss Mulan/Aurora? I mean, I'm one of these people who think the former is super obvious (and would be ecstatic if it happened) but the other two emanated major sapphic vibes last season.

I would have loved it if they had done Todd's idea, and had the whole episode take place in the choir room. As I was watching I kept thinking how this episode would have worked if it had been mostly music, cutting out most of the storylines and spoken dialogue, leaving the scene with Carole, Burt, and a scene between