

Hum5n C7nt1p3D3

"Lay Your Cards Out" is not music so much as it is an auto-tuned vocal track that happens to have music playing behind it. I'll pass.

"Get Alive" is a pretty good song. How nice of Coldplay to collaborate with Dexy's Midnight Runners and then call themselves AU.

4:44 Last Day on Earth was awesome … awesomely horrendous, and Willem Dafoe's pubes didn't help.

Forget the Anchorman sequel. I'm waiting for Will Ferrell's African-American followup to Casa de mi Padre, "Yo Daddy Crib"

you are evil!

An incredibly boring season from beginning to end. One large collective yawn.

This show is all sorts of awful. I should have given up three episodes ago.

What? This looks like a rip-off of ABC's groundbreaking, award-winning Pan Am series. Christina Ricci sure did teach me to challenge patriarchy!

Noooooooo, meeesa loves da Star Wars Prequels for introducing da Jar Jar talk!

One of the worst movies of the past year. And close-up shots of Willem Dafoe's pubes didn't help.

Holy crap, 4:44 is a dreadful no-budget snooze-fest. My favorite part: director Abel Ferrara casting his own wife to sleep with Willem Dafoe and then zooming in on Dafoe's pubes. Stay classy, Abel.


At what point in the series are viewers supposed to start caring about the characters?

I can't give you a single name of one of Devo's past critics, not even after reading this commentary. But I'll always remember Devo's "Peek-a-Boo"….even more so now as an aesthetic middle-finger.

Sarah Jessica Parker?

But I thought Pan Am was a smash hit blockbuster with it's superior character development and script—-oh wait, it was worshipped only here at AVClub.

I'm holding out for Terra Newt: Permanent Moon Colony, 2018.

What, no Sarah Jessica Parker jokes?